Our Services - For The Quickest Gateway To Making Aliyah

The extensive services that we offer start from the time that you make contact with us. Our support is available for pre-application, post-application, pre-departure, arrival and ongoing….


We will help supply a list of all the necessary documents that you will need to provide, together with detail of documents that need to originals, notarized and / or apostilled. Here is a download link to our easy documents that will help you to kick start the process.

Post-Application & Pre-Departure

Once your documents have been submitted for approval to the authorities it is time to start making preparation for your Aliyah.

We can help you with the following:

  1. Identify the right neighbourhood for you to settle in Israel

  2. Provide details of schools for your children and make appointments if required

  3. Find potential rental properties which are suitable for you to occupy on arrival. Please look at our Easy Premium Real Estate Package

  4. Find potential properties to purchase. Please look at our Easy Premium Real Estate Package

  5. Set up a mobile phone service ready for your arrival in Israel

  6. Help with shipping items to Israel

  7. Help with any pets that you wish to bring to Israel

Arrival & Ongoing Support

Following your arrival to Israel there is a long list of things that need to be done. We will help you and provide support for the following:

  1. Mobile Phone

  2. Any appointments (accompanied) necessary for your ID, Passport and driving licence

  3. All Utilities

  4. Cable TV, Internet & Telephone

Free Aliyah Consultation